Gorgeous Gort Town Plan Feedback

Feedback can be put in by any member of the public, resident, business owner, town ‘user’ – It’s important that the Gorgeous Gort Town Centre First plan gets feedback to ensure that it progresses. It’s important to support the aspects you think are positive and it’s important to raise any concerns so they can be addressed.

Feedback must be received by 8th June

If you prefer a very quick, no hassles email to send in feedback then please click on the following link and edit your response.

If you want to give more detailed feedback on website please click below

As a business Owner, please can you provide as much information as possible. The information you provide will only be used by us as design consultants to ensure we have taken into consideration all current uses and arrangements.

Author: David Murray

David Murray is deeply involved in his community and his lead several projects around South Galway. He is an activist in progressing flood relief solutions in place for South Galway after decades of empty promises and also is involved in the development of the beautiful Gort River Walk for the South Galway/North Clare communities. He as recently been part of a successful campaign to bring a national Cycleway (Route5 is alive!) into the area and also part of a successful campaign to stop a mega-biogas plant being built in the environs of Gort and close to the Gort River. David is a distinguished engineer in a hi-tech company called Arm.

6 thoughts on “Gorgeous Gort Town Plan Feedback”

  1. Wonderful opportunity awaits Gort. I fear though, that there is too much emphasis on the ‘visitor’ or need to attract ‘visitors’ – I’d prefer a greater emphasis on supporting the needs of the local community of all ages, abilities etc, our wonderful Brazilian community (are they being consulted?) Grants to open small businesses in the derelict, empty buildings within and around the Sq. Fully pedestrianise the Sq?
    Less parking spaces, not more! Provide bike parking/shelters? I’m not in favour of the Greenway carving up Coole Park, rather as a cyclist I’d love myself and my kids to be able to do my day to day business around the town.
    Create Gort as a transport hub – more regular train & bus services, a car sharing service (eg GoCar), regular local bus services around South Galway.
    The River Walk is a huge success a excellent example of a ‘ground up’ approach. Walk needs to be more pushchair/wheelchair accessible, incorporate ‘along the river’ events, cafe/food truck/pop-up cafe.
    Regular food/craft market, Xmas market, Halloween etc
    Continued consultations with all cohorts- teens, kids, etc, create ownership of our town as a great place to live, all year round


    1. Thanks Eileen! The article does emphasise visitors a good bit because we need to make sure the business community is supportive of the plan. If we have an attractive town centre of course our local community will benefit greatly – an increase in visitors (to see the town, river walk, cycleway) will be good for our local economy and hopefully there will be an increase in business in the town also.
      Regarding parking, their strategy is to reduce the town centre as a ‘car park’ and move to close off-centre parking which should help to reduce congestion in the square. It’s important to get our local councillors to vote on this as a free car park.
      Regarding Greenway/Coole Park, the greenway will use existing paths (the new paths made for forestry) and existing paths through Garyland so there will be no new pathway carving out our lovely woods!
      Regarding transport – absolutely agree we need more frequent and earlier/later commuter services – it’s a disaster currently – again our local public reps should be pushing for this.
      Regarding River Walk – we are in the middle of an accessibility project where we will be installing ramps to access the River Walk. There are many events ‘on the river’ that have already taken place – artists, musicians, yoga, bat walks etc so hopefully these will continue.
      There has been significant consultation with Gort Community school and what they want to see to this should be incorporated in the plans – many of the Canon Quinn park upgrades are in response to requests from our youth.


  2. You have mentioned the cycle greenway but I don’t see any cycle lanes around the town? It’s a busy town and I wouldn’t let my kids cycle around it which is a shame cause we have such a big school. We need to adapt the Dutch philosophy regarding independent cycle lanes which separates them from the roads. They should allow connection from the countryside into town seamlessly but I don’t anyway one who true feels safe cycling in our town or the countryside, it seems we like the foresight in this country to implement anything that does involve the use of a car which is a great trajedy.


    1. Hi Piaras. This has been a popular request I think there are challenges with street widths but there is also proposal for a cycle link from school to Canon Quin park. potential.


  3. I agree with Piaras, greenway is an excellent opportunity to get visitors into the town. It is such a long main street, connecting the whole town with cycle lanes would benefit all businesses, visitors and locals alike. See examples of it arounf St Flannans in Ennis, on roads narrower than Gort’s main street.


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